Activities and Events

A place for community not just books

Each week in the library, there is a variety of different activities for all ages. Most of these are free of charge for everyone. Come and join in with an activity that interests you.  If you have an idea for a new activity, just call in and tell us about it. We're always looking for new ideas – particularly ideas from local people for local people.

In addition to these regular activities, we have other activities such as training courses and one off events. Please look for posters in the library and on our Facebook page for details.

All week


Citizens' Advice Service - 
now running on Friday afternoons

No appointment necessary

No appointment necessary

If you need advice on benefits, debt or anything else. There is no need for an appointment.

Craft Group 1.30-3.30

If you're in to crafting, whatever your craft, then please come and join us and share ideas and meet new friends.

Table top games 2.00-4.00

Play games, chat and meet new friends.



Story Time - 10.15-11.00

for preschool children – stories, songs and craft activities in the children’s library.

Cross-stitch Group

Enjoy cross stitch or just want to start a new hobby, come and join us.


Craft Group 1.30-3.30

If you're in to crafting, whatever your craft, then please come and join us and share ideas and meet new friends.
Jordanthorpe Library
15, Jordanthorpe Centre,
S8 8DX

Charity Number   :   1159717
Company Number : 6570187

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